Kesava Smrithi, Chithra Lane, Aluva-1


PKS entrepreneurship

Opportunities are aplenty for the expatriate Indian. Although frankly Kerala has traditionally been known as unfriendly towards the serious business entrepreneur, the tides of change happening at the centre are beginning to be felt in Kerala too. The shift of the role of both the visual and print media in the light of the revolutionary changes brought about by the thriving social media cannot be ignored. No doubt the social media, thankfully still independent, play the whistleblower’s role with considerable success, notable in the recent  incidents which major visual and print media tried to suppress if not ignore.

Scaling of an enterprise as it sets up shop is a major factor most startups do not consider.  PKS personnel with plenty of experience are here to assist you in conducting pre registration assessments of your plans.  If a business plan is vetted well for its viability in short-medium-long runs there is little chance that the business fails. We shall sit across the table either in person or online via video link and conduct frank discussions about your dream plans.

On successful adoption we will handhold your budding enterprise till such a time it becomes accepted by the target market.  We will guide you through the rigmaroles involved in getting your organization legalized advising you through the various issues that may cop up en route.

Please feel free to drop us a page of your entrepreneurial plans via email, we will start a conversation.