Kesava Smrithi, Chithra Lane, Aluva-1

Health & Wellbeing


Public Health

As expatriates working abroad you have toiled day and night with specific long term and short term life-goals but chief among them the fiscal savings you dreamt of accumulating in a short tenure.  Seldom do you realize that the “men in white coats” lurk in sterile corridors that can wipe out your savings in less than a day!

Early in your tenure abroad PKS will advise you with a viable health protection strategy particularly tailored to your income, saving plans family status, occupational risks and such factors that impact your health and well-being. By helping you select a strategy our experts will ensure that your lifestyle is not upset while your health and well-being risks are protectively covered.

On the proactive front we will have programs here at home and abroad to involve you in preventive exercise oriented activities as also holistic programs that emphasize the role of the mind and mental peace which most physical work out regimes ignore or sideline. For this we have tied up with well known NGOs with proven curricula designed for various age groups.

On a more direct context PKS works with a number of hospitals and hospices that are scattered over the state to meet your emergency or planned confinement, should situations arise.  From primary through tertiary care centers PKS will chaperone you or your dear ones back home throughout the appointment-admission-discharge-after-care process.

An active PKS helpline will include a voice assisted system to help you through the health & well-being services shortly.

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