Kesava Smrithi, Chithra Lane, Aluva-1

About Us

Who are we?
It is a well known fact that Kerala’s financial health is largely held together by the remittances made by Malayali expatriates toiling abroad. But the sad reality is the pitiable circumstances, negligence and lack of recognition meted out to the expatriates as they return home for good. Ironically they tragically realize that they are strangers in their own motherland! Authorities at home have done very less for the welfare of the returning expatriate. It is in this context that a group of sympathetic citizens drew themselves up to organize a focus group named Pravasi Kshema Samiti.
The registered body is meant to welcome and sign up those nationalist minded returnees who have completed at least two years’ sojourn abroad. Effective rehabilitation of the returnees, continuing education of their children, family welfare, healthcare, nurture of entrepreneurs, real estate and homestead building – are some of the significant activities the Samiti will focus on. Its aim is to achieve these objectives in a spirit of mutual help by people infused with our national culture and heritage. The projected initiatives include counseling and direction in obtaining the necessary licenses and permits from the central-state government bodies, professional deployment of finances and promoting viable cooperative joint ventures.
It is the Samiti’s conviction that the returnees can play leadership roles in locally promoting service and welfare focused ventures.