Kesava Smrithi, Chithra Lane, Aluva-1

Education & Skill Development

What we do?

Problems often faced by the Indian expatriate concerning Education can be classed into two.  Top of the list, education of the children of expatriates. PKS will soon publish a curated updated list of schools, colleges and universities including professional schools that should help you choose the right place for your ward.
Second often ignored is the seldom realized need for your own educational advancement, if polished, will increase your chances of career promotions and recognitions that come with additional educational qualifications. PKS will devote special sections and announcements that will illuminate you on the benefits of such continuing education, both general and particular skill streams.
Skilling an emerging generation is now taken up on the national level by our new leadership at the center. Apart from the many government sponsored programs on tap, PKS will conduct its own workshops of short durations that a vacationing expatriate can sign into.  In this context we invite your valuable suggestions and tips on what are the most skill sets in demand in your professional fronts abroad.
PKS endorses the valuable supporting roles played by the expatriate spouses who at times feel lonely at homes while their husbands are away at work. Recent developments in online training on emerging skills will be available on this website that should motivate the housewives to take advantage of the Internet and the various income streams it promises. It is recognized that the expatriate womenfolk will have plenty of monetizable skills. We will help you set up e-commerce online businesses to help you earn income while staying at home.

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